Dr. Gene Wood, President/Founder of Word4Asia Consulting International

Gene refers to himself as a China Watcher.  He insists “no one person can have a full grasp of the magnitude, rapid transition, or the impact of the 6000 years of culture in China.”

After decades of leadership in the religious world in the USA Gene was drawn to both the needs in China and the opportunities to serve Christians in China today.  He has continually explored innovative ways to serve the church in China and invented creative methodologies allowing Christian organizations to achieve their objectives legally and with the knowledge and blessings of both the church and government in China.  In 2006 he chaired the first Chinese Bible Exhibition in the USA.

During the past 25 years of travel and active work in China, building expansive relationships at all levels of government, extensive research, thousands of hours of conversations and by adding professional Chinese staff and extensive Chinese church network, W4A consulting is expanding the reach of ministry at a time when most ministries have been forced to withdraw.  Gene often declares there are two keys to today’s success: 

#1. Low key. Do as much as we can and say as little as we must. 

#2. We don’t do ministry in China. The local churches do ministry in China. We serve those churches.

These sincere and rigidly adhered to commitments have permitted W4A to develop a creative structure which allows W4A to have the single largest free, legal Bible distribution network in China today.  Also, to coordinate the largest legal printing and distribution of Christian literature in China today by book volume.  

Word4Asia believes now is the time for evangelicals to enter China!  W4A consulting therefore offers this guarantee.  If W4A attempts a project and it does not succeed, you do not pay.  Dr. Wood believes

stewardship for Christian organizations demands such a partnership commitment.

Gene observes “we don’t do anything in Christian ministry others might not be able to do with 25 years of experience, millions of dollars in travel and many failures.”  Our desire is to pass along what we have to others

to move their timeline from “someday” to “today.” 

Gene has an A.A. in Law Enforcement, Th.M. in Theology from Dallas Seminary, D.D.  for Christian Leadership. He has been Senior Pastor in three churches, held most every conceivable denominational post, chaired a mission board, written two books on organizational leadership “Leading Turnaround Churches” and “Leading Turnaround Teams” and one book on missions, ‘Going Global”.  He has lectured in more than 70 leadership seminars in the USA, been a featured speaker in South Korea, Philippines, China, Hong Kong, Canada and Jamaica.

He and his wife, Carol, have been married for 49 years. Carol has traveled with Gene to China frequently and orchestrated training for elder and hospice care.  They live today in Prescott Arizona.  Gene’s hobbies include 5000-mile motorcycle trips, NBA basketball and actively serving in the local church in Prescott.  Now that Covid is behind us Gene and Carol hope to complete their objective of traveling to most countries in this great world.
